
The Master Key to Building Trust, part 1

The Master Key to Building Trust, part 1 By Sharon Moskowitz One of the most challenging tasks for a leader is to develop trust within an organization, which can lead to key performance indicators such as employee satisfaction and retention. Each person’s approach to leadership is informed by their goals and influenced by their past. … Read more

Change the Burnout Cycle

Change the Burnout Cycle By Sharon Moskowitz Fifty-nine percent of Americans feel powerless when change occurs in the workplace. Reports show the majority of survey U.S. employees feel as though change is happening to them and there is nothing they can do about it. When the organizational direction and message from leadership is frequently changing, … Read more

Don’t Be Sensitive

Don’t Be Sensitive By Sharon Moskowitz You know what I think gets a really bad rap, especially in the workplace? Sensitivity. Today, the word Sensitive has a feminine connotation.  Sensitivity is depicted as a less desirable and hidden trait in a male-dominated workforce. The act of being sensitive or possessing sensitivity has been made synonymous … Read more

“Am I Leading Authentically?”

“Am I Leading Authentically?” By Sharon Moskowitz The concept of authenticity dates back to the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries when human beings considered themselves as individuals instead of placeholders and cogs in a system of theological and social relations. During this period, the prevalence of autobiographies and self-portraits provides evidence of the emphasis on self … Read more


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