
Your Change Story

Help us to continue inspiring thousands of practicing Change Enthusiasts around the world by sharing how the Change Enthusiasm® mindset and toolset have impacted you.

Have a change story you’d like to share, we would love to hear all about it.

Change Enthusiasm® is more than mindset, it's a movement. Whether you've been inspired by a keynote, challenged through a training, or motivated to inspire others through your Resident Change Enthusiast® certification journey, we want to hear from you! Thank you for using your voice to inspire our global Change Enthusiast community!

Share Your Change Story

It's Time to Disrupt Change As Usual.

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CEG is always looking for talented, driven individuals to join our mission of Change Enthusiasm®.

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good fit?

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Let’s chat & explore if we can be partners in accelerating your change movement and realizing organizational & personal growth.


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